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16/08 08:31:46

Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.

1. A. snow                               B. how                         C. now                         D. crowded

2. A. thing                               B. breathe                     C. think                         D. third

3. A. three                               B. thread                     C. health                     D. other

4. A. captain                           B. badminton              C. active                      D. baseball

5. A. member                          B. karate                     C. medal                     D. intelligent

6. A. breakfast                        B. spread                     C. ready                      D. stream

7 A. equipment                       B. tennis                      C. netball                    D. wrestling

8. A. basketball                       B. ticket                      C. result                      D. extend

9. A. swimming                      B. skipping                 C. driving                    D. fishing

10. A. racket                           B. skateboard              C. games                     D. player

II. Find the word which has different stress from the others.

1. A. cartoon                           B. awful                      C. boring                     D. channel

2. A. clever                             B. comedy                   C. educate                   D. compete

3. A. fantastic                         B. exciting                  C. entertain                 D. romantic

4. A. equipment                      B. fantastic                 C. karate                     D. marathon

5. A. racket                             B. sporty                     C. goggles                   D. career

6. A. regret                              B. fishing                    C. baseball                  D. gymnast

7. A. receive                           B. crowded                  C. helmet                    D. helpful

8. A. delicious                        B. vacation                  C. romantic                 D. teenager

9. A. tower                              B. regret                      C. postcard                  D. palace

10. A. football                         . fixture                       C. defeat                     D. racetrack

III. Mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s).

1.A lot of TV viewers watch this mini-series every weekend.

A. newreaders                         B. weatherman         C. audiences                                 D. readers

2.How many players are there in a football match?

A. footballers                          B. learners                C. gamers                                     D. viewers

3. My bother likes playing sports because it makes him healthy.

A. tired                                    B. worried                 C. happy                                       D. fit

4. Join this game show and try to answer interesting questions.

A. boring                                 B. funny                    C. exciting                                    D. easy

5. Pele’ started playing for Santos Football Club when he was at 15.

A.began                                   B. finished                  C. became                              D. ended

6. A hi-tech robot will help us look after children while we are away.

A. take care of                        B. take part in             C. find                                     D. teach

7. It attracts a lot of tourists from many countries because it has beautiful beaches.

A. visitors                               B. travelers                 C. drivers                                  D.cyclists       

8. Hue is an old city. It has historic sites and cultural attractions.

A. beautiful                             B. ancient                    C. modern                               D. exciting

9. He became the world tennis champion when he was very young.

A.viewer                                 B. loser                       C. winner                                D. comedian

10. The children are viewing cartoon programme on TV.

A. looking                               B. seeing                     C. hearing                                   D. watching

IV. Mark the letter A,B,C or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s).

1. In my picture, I see a boy. He’s turning off the fan before leaving the classroom.                  

A. turning on                           B.  buying                               C. looking for             D. putting on

2. I never watch TV when I am eating.

A. often                                  B. usually                                C. sometimes              D. always

3. Linh often volunteers to do presentations in front of the class. She’s a very confident student.

A. friendly                              B: sociable                              C. shy                          D. responsible

4. The weather is rainy so we don’t go out. 

A. windy                                 B.sunny                                   C. hot                          D. cold

5. If you forget all the time, we’ll have to pay a lot of money for electricity.                                 

A. turn off                               B. remember                           C. look after                D. protect

6. The beaches in Sydney are clean and beautiful.               

A. famous                               B. fresh                                   C. dangerous               D. polluted

7. We didn’t go camping last weekend. The weather was awful.

A. unpleasant                          B. bad                                      C. nice                         D. terrible

8. The house will have a super smart TV to send the emails.

A. post                                    B. give                                    C. receive                    D. buy

9. Football is an example of a team sport where you play with several other people.

A. individual                           B. outdoor                               C. indoor                     D. popular

10. This film was boring, so Annie turned off the TV and went to bed.

A. funny                                  B. interesting                      C. long                           D. educational

V. Fill in the blanks with suitable question words.(What/where/How/when/who/what time/How often)

1. _______________ is your family name? - It’s Nguyen.

2. _______________ old are you? - I’m thirteen.

3. _______________ do you live? - On Nguyen Trai Street.

4. _______________ do you live with? - My parents.

5. _______________ is it from your house to school? - About three kilometers.

6. _______________ do you go to school? - By bus.

7. _______________ do you go to school? - At half past six.

8. _______________ are you late? - Because I missed the bus.

9. _______________ is your name? - My name’s Trung.

10. _______________ does he go swimming? - Three times a week.

VI. Make questions for the underlined words or phrases.

1. I get up at six every day.


2. I’m talking to Mrs. Nga.


3. It’s five kilometers from our house to the mountain.


4. Her family name is Tran.


5. They live at 83 Son Tay Street.


6. Our school year starts on September 5th.


7. They sometimes go sailing in the fall.


8. She walks to school every day.


9. My mother works eight hours a day.


10.Bob likes the comedy because it makes him laugh.


VII. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

1.   Yesterday, I (go) ______________ to the restaurant with a client.

2.   My sister (get) ______________ married last month.

3.   Daisy (come) ______________ to her grandparents’ house 3 days ago.

4.   My computer (be) _______________ broken yesterday.

5.   He (buy) ______________ me a big teddy bear on my birthday last week.

6.   My friend (give) __________ me a bar of chocolate when I (be) __________ at school yesterday.

7.   My children (not do) ______________ their homework last night.

8.   __________You (live) __________ here five years ago?

9.   They (watch) ______________ TV late at night yesterday.

10. (Be) ______________ your friend at your house last weekend?

VIII. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb. Present simple, present continuous or past simple tense?

1. Do you often (do) ________________ exercise?

2. My dad (play) ____________ football for the town team when he was young.

3. your mum (cook) __________ pasta last night?

4. I (not meet) _____________ Susan at the party yesterday.

5. I (go) ____________ to the movies twice a week.

6. Bill (play) ______________ basketball now.

7. Henry (not send) _____________ me an email this morning.

8. I (eat) _____________ pizza yesterday.

9. We (be) _____________ at home last night.

10. Harry (drink) _____________ water at the moment.

IX. Make the sentences using a conjunction: but; and; or; so; because.

1.   We know him. We know his friends.


2.   The coat was soft. The coat was warm.


3.   It is stupid to do that. It is quite unnecessary.


4.   I wanted to go. He wanted to stay.


5.   Your arguments are strong. They don’t convince me.


6.   You can go there by bus. You can go there by train.


7.   I was feeling tired. I went to bed when I got home.

      @ ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

8. I didn’t buy the dress. It was expensive.

      @ ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

9. He was poor, he was happy.

      @ ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

10. I did not want to miss the train, I started early in the morning.

      @ ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

X. Complete the table below.

Subject pronouns


Object pronouns


Possessive adjectives


Possessive pronouns








You (Singular)


















Its *







You (Plural)









XI. Fill in the blanks with suitable possessive adjectives.

1. Anna is very angry that ___________ computer is broken again.

2. This strange dog is from Ha Giang and ___________ name is the Pit.

3. My friends didn’t do ___________ English exercises.

4. My sister and I go to a high school. ___________  high school is fantastic.

5. Mark and Daisy are English .___________ family is from England

XII. Circle the best answers.

1. (Your / Yours) child is not doing well in the school.

2. Are those children (your / yours)?

3. I could not understand (her / hers) intentions.

4. These cakes are (our / ours).

5. I cannot believe that you broke (my / mine) glasses.

6. Are these phones (their / theirs)?

7. (Their / Theirs) favorite teacher did not come yesterday.

8. That red bike is (our / ours).

9. I walked for 4 hours and now I cannot feel (my / mine) legs.

10. Is this cup (your / yours)?

XIII. Rewrite these following sentences .

1. It isn’t a good idea to travel such a long way by motorbike. (shouldn’t)


2. I am talking to one of my classmates. (mine)

I am ______________________________________________________________________________

3. A solowheel runs on electricity, so it is safe for the environment. (Because)

Because ___________________________________________________________________________

4. He owns this electric scooter.(his)

This ______________________________________________________________________________

5. That motorbike  doesn’t belong to her. (hers)

That ______________________________________________________________________________

XIV. Choose the best answer to complete each of the following sentences.

1. VTV2 and VTV3 are well-known______ channels in Viet Nam.

        A. foreign                      B. national                     C. local                      D. international

2. My father likes watching______ programmes. They have a lot of football matches or boxing competitions.

        A. sports                         B. animals                       C. news                      D. films

3. I can't watch my favourite game show____my father is watching news at present.

        A. although                    B.    so                            C. and                         D. because

4. He likes watching animals programmes, ____ he also likes watching comedy shows.

        A. and                                                  C. but                         D. or

5. The TV schedule today is so boring,______I decide to go out with my friends.

        A, although                    B. so                               C. because                 D. but

6. _________is dancing in your room? - It's my sister.

        A. Why                          B. How                           C. What                     D. Who

7. _____is this documentary on? - About half an hour.

        A. How far                     B. How much                 C. How long              D. How often

8.  ________ of music do you like? - I like Pop and Rock.

        A. How many kind                                               B. How kind

        C. What kind                                                         D. What much kind

9.   ‘Why are you laughing so hard?’ ‘I am watching a ________. It’s really funny!’

      A. drama                          B. news                          C. comedy                 D. romance

10. Did you watch the ________ about the history of India?

      A. documentary               B. sitcom                       C. news                      D. game

11. I love ________. Tom and Jerry are my favourite characters.

      A. romances                    B. comedies                   C. documentaries      D. cartoons

12. Where is the ________? I’d like to change the channel.

      A. remote control            B. volume button           C. TV programme     D. schedule

13. ________is a person who reads a report in the program.

      A. A weatherman            B. A comedian               C. A newsreader       D. A guest

14. ‘Let’s learn’ teaches children to study Maths. It’s an__________ program.

      A. live                              B. popular                      C. entertaining          D. educational

15. Millions of children___ the world enjoy the show.

      A. all                                B. in                               C. around                   C. over

16. The program can both____ and entertain young audiences.

      A. educated                     B. education                   C. educational           D. educate

17. Where are the children? They_____ in the yard.

      A. play                             B. are playing                C. is playing              D. plays

18. My brother wants to become a_______ to tell TV viewers what the weather is like.

      A. newsreader                 B. actor                          C. weatherman          D. producer

19. My father works late tomorrow, so he will____ the first part of the film on VTV1.

      A. miss                            B. lose                            C. forget                    D. cut

20. My brother likes watching TV, ____________ I like going out with my friends.

    A. but                                  B. because                   C. or                  

21. I usually play football when I have____________.

           A. spare time              B. good time                        C. no time                      D. times

22. In team sports, the two teams_______ against each other in order to get the better score.

           A. are                          B. do                                    C. make                          D. compete

23. ________draw on the walls and tables, please .

           A. Do                          B. Don't                                C. Should                       D. Shouldn't

24. Last summer, I________ fishing with my uncle in the afternoon.

           A. go                           B. went                                 C. goes                           D. going

25. I like watching football matches, but I am not very good____ playing football.

           A. at                            B. in                                     C. on                              D. for

26. Team sports are sometimes called_____ sports.

           A. compete                 B. competition                     C. competitor                 D. competitive

27. My sister often_________badminton in her free time.

           A. play                        B. plays                                C. playing                      D. to play

27. Blackburn Rover is at the bottom of the league. They______ most of their matches this season.

           A. played                    B.won                                   C. lost                            D. scored

28. We often go swimming ________ Sunday morning.

      A. in                                 B. on                                    C. at                                 D. for

29. Football is an example of a ________ sport where you play with several other people.

      A. team                            B. individual                        C. indoor                         D. dangerous

30. We were very upset when our favourite team didn’t ________ even one goal.

      A. play                             B. kick                                 C. point                           D. score

31. The meeting ___________5 minutes ago.

      A. finished                      B. finish                              C. did not finish               D. did finish

32. Badminton requires only a net, a racket, and a birdie or ________.

      A. ball                         B. ski                           C. shuttlecock                  D. goggles

33. Manchester is famous _________ its football teams.

      A. in                               B. with                          C. for                            D. as

34. The Golden Gate Bridge is San Francisco’s most famous _________.

      A. building                  B. monument                  C. palace                      D. landmark

35. The package includes a tour of Sydney’s famous _________.

      A. Opera House          B. Eiffel Tower                C. Big Ben                 D. White House

36. ___________ hair needs taking care of.

A. Me                                      B. I am                        C. My                          D. I

37. Lan went shopping with ___________ friends last weekend.

A. she                                      B. her                          C. him                         D. he

38. ___________ want to be an artist and ___________ sister wants to be a doctor.

A. I/ my                                   B. My/ me                   C. me/I                                    D. I am/ she

39. Is she___________ younger sister?

A. Mary                                  B. Mary’s                    C. you                         D. me

40. Alice and Lisa love ___________ dogs so much.

A. they                                    B. them                       C. their                                    D. their’s





Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the rest in each of the following questions.

1.         A. arrive                      B. quickly                   C. historic                   D. city

2.         A. post                        B. cost                         C. question                  D. coast

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word which does not belong to each group.

3.         A. market                    B. cathedral                C. park                        D. suburb

4.         A. boring                     B. exciting                  C. convenient              D. interesting

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

5. The weather is nice, so I enjoy doing __________ activities.

A. outdoor                    B. inside                     C. outdoors                 D. boring

6. The streets in the old quarter in Ha Noi are not wide. They are __________.

A. exciting                  B. quiet                       C. narrow                    D. noisy

7. The map says that art gallery is ____________ than the cathedral. 

A. near                        B. far from                  C. nearer                    D. next to

8. Can you __________ us the __________ to the post office?

A. show – road           B. show –street         C. tell – road                  D. tell - way                       

9. City life  is ________ than country life.

A. expensive               B. more expensive    C. expensiver                D. expensive more

10. The cat is sleeping ________________of the chair.

A. on                           B. behind                    C. in front                   D. opposite           

11. The students_______________ their new uniforms now.

A. wear                       B. wears                      C. wearing                  D. are wearing

12. You _______ ask other people for lucky money. It _______ very polite.

     A. shouldn’t - is                B. should – is               C. shouldn’t - isn’t      D. should - isn’t

13. People often spend time visiting their _______ during Tet.

     A. neighbours                    B. teachers                   C. relatives                  D. friends

14. There is _______ sand on the beach, so we can build _______ sandcastles.

      A. many - much                B. a few - many          C. much - many          D. a little - much

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

15.       How about visiting Tan Ky House? - ___________________________

            A. Yes, I’d love to      B. Yes, that’s a good idea       C. No, I don’t              D. Yes, thank you

16.       Nick: What are you doing this afternoon? Nam: ____________, but I’d like to go swimming.

A. Let’s go                  B. I don’t know                       C. Here you are           D. Goodbye. See you soon.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

17. This river is more polluted as other rivers in the area.

              A. is                           B. as                                        C. polluted                  D. in

18. Not turn left at the traffic lights but turn right at the next corner.

             A. at                          B. Not                                     C. at                            D. turn

19. How many room are there in the new house?

            A.  room                      B. are there                             C. in                            D. new

20. I’m very thirsty. I’d like any apple juice.

            A. I’m                         B. thirsty                                 C. like                 &

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