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19/08/2024 22:13:54

Chuyển sang đảo ngữ câu điều kiện

Chuyển sang đảo ngữ câu điều kiện
----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
13. He doesn’t get a job, so he can’t pay his bills. → If he got a job, he could pay his bills.

14. She isn’t fit because she sits around too much. → If she didn’t sit around too much, she would be fit.

15. The fire brigade came immediately, so the house didn’t burn down. → If the fire brigade hadn’t come immediately, the house didn’t burn down.

16. Sue walked to work in the rain and caught a cold. → If she hadn’t walked to work in the rain, she wouldn’t have caught a cold.

17. I was sick yesterday, so I didn’t go to class. → If I hadn’t been sick, I would have gone to class.

18. Because Alan never eats breakfast, he always overeats at lunch.

19. Peter didn’t finish unloading the truck because John didn’t help him.

20. Concentrate on your lesson or you won’t be able to understand it.
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