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23/08/2024 15:15:16

Complete the sentences using will future or going to future

Complete the sentences using will future or going to future1. i think in 50 years cars ____ (run) on sunlight
2. what do you need that bucket of water for? i _______ ( wash the car
3. jill____ ( come) to the youth club tomorrow. she has primised to give us some tips
4. do you expect that he ____ (visit) us during his stay?
5. it has already 25 it ___ ( be) very hot today
6 what do you think you ____ (do) next year at this time?
7. have you bought some milk ?- oh no! i completely forgot i______ ( go) now and buy it
8. have you made up your mind bout next year´´s holidays ?- yes i_____ ( go) to my uncle´´s place in california
9.______( ask, you) her for a second chance ?
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