Khiêm Duong | Chat Online
02/09/2024 11:52:25

Match the words from the list with the definitions, (2 phrases are left). Write the correct letter in the blank

Match the words from the list with the definitions, (2 phrases are left). Write the correct letter in the blank

1. ..... catching up                         A. important and meaningful
2. ..... cling                                      B. discussing or arguing
3. ..... sex-selective abortion          C. happening in many places or to many people
4. ..... cooperate                               D. to move away
5. ..... extraordinary                         E. work together for a common purpose
6. ..... withdraw                                F. bothered, unhappy because ofmany bad things
7. ..... recreate                                G. very unusual or surprising
8. ..... annoyed                                H. to build again, make again
9. ..... debating                             I. come closer, to be at same place as others
10. ..... significant                          J. the killing of a fetus because of its gender
                                                    K. to hang on something tightly, to stick to something
                                                     L. someone new to a field or activity

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