ᵔᵔ_ღ Shin ღ _ ᵔ | Chat Online
05/09/2024 15:48:10

Fill in the blank

----- Nội dung dịch tự động từ ảnh -----
20 If I __________ (go) to London, I __________ (send) you a postcard.
21 If the sun __________ (shine), we __________ (walk) around the village.
22 If he __________ (have) a fever, he __________ (see) the doctor.
23 If my friends __________ (come), I __________ (be) happy.
24 If John __________ (earn) a lot of money, he __________ (buy) a big house.
25 If you __________ (wear) a scandal in the newspapers, you __________ (slip) off the radio.
26 If you __________ (wait) me a minute, I __________ (task) my parents.
27 If Rita __________ (forget) doing her homework, the teacher __________ (scold) her.
28 If we __________ (go) to the bar, we __________ (meet) someone interesting.
29 If Joy __________ (not play) sports, she __________ (not be) healthy enough.
30 If Tom __________ (not repair) the bike, he __________ (not ride) it.
31 If Tim __________ (not water) the trees, they __________ (die).
32 If they __________ (catch) the bus, they __________ (arrive) on time.
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