kook tae | Chat Online
06/09/2024 16:18:16

Choose the best answer

7. Greenco is an organization .......
mission is to raise awareness of
environmental issues.
A. Who
B. What
C. Whose
D. Which
9. The HR Department released a list of
employees .......... are eligible for a pay
A. Who
B. Where
C. What
D. Which
11. This is the hotel........... we are
supposed to hold a banquet for the new
A. how
B. which
8. The convention center............ the
annual shareholders' meeting is going
to be held is within walking distance.
A. When
B. Where
C. What
D. That
10. QRCT is a company ... provides
microchips to computer manufacturers.
A. That
B. What
C. Who
D. whose
12. The employee
.... performance
evaluation was so good can enjoy two
weeks of paid vacation.
A. Who
B. Whose
C. that
D. where
13. A shortage of staff members is the
main reason .......... the factory is running
extremely slowly.
A. Where
B. Who
C. Why
D. Which
C. Which
D. where
14. Passengers..
.......... are waiting in line
should have their passports ready.
A. Where
B. Which
C. Whom
D. That
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