Thu Nguyen | Chat Online
08/09/2024 21:43:21

Choose the correct option

chon dap an dung
1.A business that get off the ground .........................

A. is successful

B. stay until it is clear

C. can advance to a higher position

D. makes a smooth transition

2.Having a part- time job..................

A. is a good way to try another career

B. sounds glamorous

C. is very stressful

D. builds up a person’s career

3.Local people can exchange trash for fresh ………….. – such as potatoes or oranges – or for bus tickets.

A. products

B. produce

C. vegetables

D. fruits

4.Elephant communication patterns are a ………………. of elephants’ intelligence. When two female elephants meet after a short separation, they are less …………….

A. demonstration – demonstrating

B. demonstration – demonstrative

C. demonstrative – demonstration

D. demonstrated – demonstrate

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