Nguyễn Thị Nhài | Chat Online
09/09/2024 22:48:04

Read the following passage and answer the questionsHi, my name is David and my favorite activity is watching television. I often watch cartoon on Disney channel. My grandmother and mother enjoy watching craft programs. My daddy and brother love watching football matches on the sport channel. I usually spend about 2 hours a day watching TV. In the evening, all the family gather and watch the news and weather forecast. Today, the weatherman announces that it will rain tomorrow. I think you should ...

Read the following passage and answer the questions

Hi, my name is David and my favorite activity is watching television. I often watch cartoon on Disney channel. My grandmother and mother enjoy watching craft programs. My daddy and brother love watching football matches on the sport channel. I usually spend about 2 hours a day watching TV. In the evening, all the family gather and watch the news and weather forecast. Today, the weatherman announces that it will rain tomorrow. I think you should bring along a raincoat before going out.

Who love watching football matches?

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