Nguyễn Thanh Thảo | Chat Online
10/09/2024 22:47:49

Reading the passage about common ways to pay for higher education carefully and answer the given questions After graduating from high school, many students go on to study at a college or university. Sometimes, it is not easy to decide what to study; however, for some, choosing a major can be a pleasure. Usually, the main difficulty is figuring out how to pay for college. A common way to pay for school is through student loans. Students will have to provide evidence of how much money they earn, ...

Reading the passage about common ways to pay for higher education carefully and answer the given questions

After graduating from high school, many students go on to study at a college or university. Sometimes, it is not easy to decide what to study; however, for some, choosing a major can be a pleasure. Usually, the main difficulty is figuring out how to pay for college.

A common way to pay for school is through student loans. Students will have to provide evidence of how much money they earn, and in some cases, how much money their parents earn. A worker in the financial aid department of the college will then calculate the loan amount.

Not all students want to take out a student loan. Instead, they might do part-time jobs to earn extra money to pay for school. Students may also work on campus during the school year. The money earned from these part-time jobs can be very helpful for paying tuition and covering the expense of living that a student loan might not fully provide for.

An additional source of income for university students is scholarships. Students who earn higher grades are eligible to receive more scholarships. These scholarships are usually provided by governments and through donations from companies that want to assist students. A university's financial aid department can assist students looking for scholarships as well as loans.

What is the main difficulty for the students who choose to go on to college or university after graduating from high school?

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