Phạm Văn Phú | Chat Online
10/09/2024 22:49:36

Fill in the blank a suitable word It is 7.30 a.m. and the Browns (1. be) __________ in the kitchen. Mrs. Brown (2. sit) __________ at the breakfast table now. She (3. read) __________ the morning paper. Mr. Brown (4. pour) __________ a cup of coffee. He (5. drink) __________ two cups of coffee every morning before he (6. go) __________ to work. There is the cartoon on TV, but the children are not watching it. They (7. play) __________ with the toys. They usually (8. watch) cartoons in the ...

Fill in the blank a suitable word

It is 7.30 a.m. and the Browns (1. be) __________ in the kitchen. Mrs. Brown (2. sit) __________ at the breakfast table now. She (3. read) __________ the morning paper. Mr. Brown (4. pour) __________ a cup of coffee. He (5. drink) __________ two cups of coffee every morning before he (6. go) __________ to work. There is the cartoon on TV, but the children are not watching it. They (7. play) __________ with the toys. They usually (8. watch) cartoons in the morning, but this morning they (9. not pay) __________ any attention to the TV. Of course. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are not watching TV either. They (10. like) __________ watching cartoons.

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