E-book are typically ... through a tudent's personal devicesChọn từ: 1/ E-book are typically through a tudent's personal devices A concetrated Baccessed C made Dstored 2/while a child learn hôt use educational ,she also develops a to analyze, synthesize A- lesons- knowledge B lesons - ability C software - ability D software- knowledge 3/when used the right way ,mobile tecnology has the to help students learn more and understand that knowledge. A ability B advantage C development Dpotential 4/mobile devices increase opportunity for learning after the school hours and increase teachers' and their comfort levels with technology A behavior B lines C ability Dpaths 5/the teacher was surprised to discover that his students are quieter and more focused on their assignments when they are allowed to listen to their soft music during .,,,, Aindividual homework B private work C private homework Dindividual classroom |