Look at the art. Then complete the description of non-renewable energy in the future
(Nhìn vào biểu đồ. Sau đó hoan thành mô tả về việc sử dụng năng lượng không tái tạo được trong tương lai)
This chart describes the amount of global non-renewable energy in the future. On the whole, it's very likely that we (1) ___Won't have any coal, gas, or oil by 2090. (2) ___, we have about 150 billion tons of oil, but it will soon (3) 50 billion by 2040. About ten years later, we will use all of it. Currently, the amount of gas is about 280 billion tons____(4) , it will go down to about 100 billion and by 2060, there won't be any gas left. We still have a lot of coal in the world, but it is ____(5) quickly. By 2055, the amount of coal will go down by half and by 2090 we (6)____ won't have any coal left.