Trần Đan Phương | Chat Online
11/09/2024 14:36:20

Read the newsletter. Circle or true and F for false 1. There were no female rulers in Việt Nam before the year of 40 A.D. T F 2. There are more educated Vietnamese women today than in the Trung sisters' time. T F 3. The Nữ Giới Chung was the first newspaper in Việt Nam T F 4. Phùng Thị Điểm worked as a dentist before she became a sculptor. T F 5. Phùng Thị Điển's contributions were internationally recognized. T ...

Read the newsletter. Circle or true and F for false

1. There were no female rulers in Việt Nam before the year of 40 A.D. T F

2. There are more educated Vietnamese women today than in the Trung sisters' time. T F

3. The Nữ Giới Chung was the first newspaper in Việt Nam T F

4. Phùng Thị Điểm worked as a dentist before she became a sculptor. T F

5. Phùng Thị Điển's contributions were internationally recognized. T F

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