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11/09/2024 19:43:34

Read the following passage. For each of the questions, write T if the statement is TRUE, F if the statement is FALSE and NI if there is NO INFORMATION on it. Hobbies are a platform for teens to pursue their interests, which in turn benefits them in finding their passion, developing new skills and even having a healthy body and mind. Hobbies for teens can include anything they love to do and are passionate about. Teenagers can take part in different extracurricular activities in their spare time. ...

Read the following passage. For each of the questions, write T if the statement is TRUE, F if the statement is FALSE and NI if there is NO INFORMATION on it.

Hobbies are a platform for teens to pursue their interests, which in turn benefits them in finding their passion, developing new skills and even having a healthy body and mind. Hobbies for teens can include anything they love to do and are passionate about. Teenagers can take part in different extracurricular activities in their spare time. For example, they can learn photography, get into sports, do crafts, play music or even collect stamps. Taking time to carry out their hobbies can keep them stress-free and active, and help shape their careers. Hobbies also provide opportunities to meet and interact with people having similar interests. These acquaintances can lead to strong connections and build lifelong friendships.

However, parents and teachers are complaining about a generation of couch potatoes, stuck in their rooms and glued to screens. There are findings which show that global youth are becoming more and more immersed in the virtual world of play and leisure time. They prefer sedentary free-time activities such as playing games or using social networking sites. They spend hours scrolling through YouTube or TikTok and doing exercise using their Wi-Fi instead of going to the gym. They don’t enjoy visiting museums or art galleries – but they love going on virtual visits through their computers. It’s necessary for those teens to change their habits and start using their free time in a fruitful way.

There are only some specific hobbies which are suitable for teenagers.
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