Nguyễn Thanh Thảo | Chat Online
11/09/2024 19:50:39

Complete the sentences using the coordinating conjunctions from the box. or for and so 1. Nancy is a famous singer ____________she has won a lot of prizes in national and international competitions. 2. I kept meat and milk-in the fridge, ____________they weren’t stale. 3. She didn’t understand what her teacher was saying____________he spoke very fast. 4. You can go to the concert with us, ____________you can watch TV at home

Complete the sentences using the coordinating conjunctions from the box.





1. Nancy is a famous singer ____________she has won a lot of prizes in national and international competitions.

2. I kept meat and milk-in the fridge, ____________they weren’t stale.

3. She didn’t understand what her teacher was saying____________he spoke very fast.

4. You can go to the concert with us, ____________you can watch TV at home

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