Phạm Văn Phú | Chat Online
11/09/2024 19:54:45

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box in the Present Perfect. have buy tell meet leave ride lose go be improve E.g.: This is the worst day she has ever _had_ in her life. 1. I _________Nancy at the office already. 2. She can’t go into her house. She_________her keys. 3. Luke_________his mum about his colleagues. 4. Her French_________quickly. 5. There _________ a dramatic increase in the price of stocks in recent years. 6. ...

Complete the following sentences using the correct form of the verbs in the box in the Present Perfect.











E.g.: This is the worst day she has ever _had_ in her life.

1. I _________Nancy at the office already.

2. She can’t go into her house. She_________her keys.

3. Luke_________his mum about his colleagues.

4. Her French_________quickly.

5. There _________ a dramatic increase in the price of stocks in recent years.

6. Gina just_________some food in the supermarket.

7. John already_________his office.

8. Mike never_________a horse.

9. The train fare_________up recently.

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