Nguyễn Thị Thương | Chat Online
11/09/2024 22:31:48

Read the Reading Strategy. Match sentences A-G with gaps 1-5 in the text. There are two extra sentences. (Đọc Chiến lược Đọc. Nối các câu A-G với khoảng trống 1-5 trong văn bản. Có hai câu thừa.) A. During this time, Steven saw nine ships. B. Water was coming in and the boat was sinking fast. C. But he couldn't swim back to the yacht. D. It contained lots of useful information about surviving at sea. E. He was planning to sail to the Caribbean. F. Some men were fishing near Steven's raft. G. ...

Read the Reading Strategy. Match sentences A-G with gaps 1-5 in the text. There are two extra sentences. (Đọc Chiến lược Đọc. Nối các câu A-G với khoảng trống 1-5 trong văn bản. Có hai câu thừa.)

A. During this time, Steven saw nine ships.

B. Water was coming in and the boat was sinking fast.

C. But he couldn't swim back to the yacht.

D. It contained lots of useful information about surviving at sea.

E. He was planning to sail to the Caribbean.

F. Some men were fishing near Steven's raft.

G. Alone in the life raft, Steven travelled slowly across the Atlantic Ocean.

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