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12/09/2024 10:55:35

Match column A with column B to make meaningful sentences. A B E.g.: The cyclist a. who won the race trained hard 1. They are the people b. whose brother works with me, wants to buy my house. 2. He gave me a cake c. which have been affected 3. Here are some cells d. who want to buy our house. 4. Where did you buy the dress e. that you wore last week? 5. Mark, f. which was on a white plate.

Match column A with column B to make meaningful sentences.



E.g.: The cyclist

a. who won the race trained hard

1. They are the people

b. whose brother works with me, wants to buy my house.

2. He gave me a cake

c. which have been affected

3. Here are some cells

d. who want to buy our house.

4. Where did you buy the dress

e. that you wore last week?

5. Mark,

f. which was on a white plate.

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