Phạm Minh Trí | Chat Online
12/09/2024 17:39:00

Put the dialogue in the correct order. (Đặt cuộc đối thoại vào đúng thứ tự.) □ I suppose you are right. Still, it helps people connect with others from all over the world. □ Social media is a great invention. It helps students do better at school. □ That’s true, but students who use social media a lot tend to have lower grades. □ I agree that it makes communication easier but it causes people to spend less time talking face-to-face.

Put the dialogue in the correct order. (Đặt cuộc đối thoại vào đúng thứ tự.)

□ I suppose you are right. Still, it helps people connect with others from all over the world.

□ Social media is a great invention. It helps students do better at school.

□ That’s true, but students who use social media a lot tend to have lower grades.

□ I agree that it makes communication easier but it causes people to spend less time talking face-to-face.

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