Phạm Minh Trí | Chat Online
12/09/2024 17:57:53

Listen and read the dialogue. What does Sue want to protect? (Nghe và đọc đoạn hội thoại. Sue muốn bảo vệ cái gì?) Sue: I visited the castle yesterday. It’s so beautiful, but no one looks after it. What can we do to protect it? Ben: My advice is not to take souvenirs, like pieces of stone, from the castle. Sue: Good point. Is there anything else I can do? Ben: Well, have you thought about wearing flat shoes with soft soles when you visit? That way, you won’t damage the stones. Sue: That’s good ...

Listen and read the dialogue. What does Sue want to protect? (Nghe và đọc đoạn hội thoại. Sue muốn bảo vệ cái gì?)

Sue: I visited the castle yesterday. It’s so beautiful, but no one looks after it. What can we do to protect it?

Ben: My advice is not to take souvenirs, like pieces of stone, from the castle.

Sue: Good point. Is there anything else I can do?

Ben: Well, have you thought about wearing flat shoes with soft soles when you visit? That way, you won’t damage the stones.

Sue: That’s good thinking. Thanks!

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