Phạm Minh Trí | Chat Online
12/09/2024 21:01:53

Read the passage and anwer the questions below. If you are in public or with other friends or family in Japan, your Japanese partner will most likely not show an open display of affection such as hand holding, touching, kissing or verbal expressions of love. It doesn’t mean that the person does not love or care about you. It is a point of respect that people do not show physical expressions of love in the general public or if older people are nearby. At the same time, when you both return to a ...

Read the passage and anwer the questions below.

If you are in public or with other friends or family in Japan, your Japanese partner will most likely not show an open display of affection such as hand holding, touching, kissing or verbal expressions of love. It doesn’t mean that the person does not love or care about you. It is a point of respect that people do not show physical expressions of love in the general public or if older people are nearby. At the same time, when you both return to a private residence or location, you might see a different side of that person. That person may be very “loving” in his or her words and actions. This can also be true if you and your significant other travel or live in another country outside of Japan. My friends and I who have dated or married Japanese nationals have found that our Japanese partners (both male and female) tend to show more open affection in locations outside of Japan. However, once they arrive at the airport in Japan, they change to be more reserved and show all the Japanese cultural mannerisms they learned growing up. For many cultures, open displays of affection are considered standard daily practices. However, if you are dating a Japanese person, you will need to understand the difference between public and private locations. Public affection is a common concern among internationals dating Japanese individuals. They don’t understand how Japanese can be so affectionate in private and indifferent when with others. Which can lead to misunderstandings, arguments or even the end of a relationship.

1. Why does your Japanese partner not show an open display of affection in public?


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