Tô Hương Liên | Chat Online
12/09/2024 21:12:57

Read the text about Tết Fesstival and write “a, an, the, 0” (Đọc văn bản về Tết Fesstival và viết “a, an, the, 0”) Tết Festival is (1) most important holiday in Việt Nam. It is (2) time for family gatherings. Vietnamese prepare for this special day by cleaning and decorating their homes. People also visit (3) temples and pagodas during this time to pray for a good year. There are not many people in (4) big cities, because most of them have come back to their hometowns. During Tết, (5) ...

Read the text about Tết Fesstival and write “a, an, the, 0” (Đọc văn bản về Tết Fesstival và viết “a, an, the, 0”)

Tết Festival is (1) most important holiday in Việt Nam. It is (2) time for family gatherings. Vietnamese prepare for this special day by cleaning and decorating their homes. People also visit (3) temples and pagodas during this time to pray for a good year. There are not many people in (4) big cities, because most of them have come back to their hometowns. During Tết, (5) interesting place to visit is Ngoc Son Temple.

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