Phạm Văn Phú | Chat Online
12/09/2024 21:21:07

Write the sentences next to the correct step. (Viết các câu bên cạnh theo bước đúng.) • Once you have completed the lesson, you can review it by taking tests or playing games. • After downloading the app, enter your information to create an account. Enter a name and then create a password. • Click the box next to each subject you want to learn. You can choose up to three. • Choose your lesson and click on it to begin. Each lesson has videos, reading passages, and audio files.

Write the sentences next to the correct step. (Viết các câu bên cạnh theo bước đúng.)

• Once you have completed the lesson, you can review it by taking tests or playing games.

• After downloading the app, enter your information to create an account. Enter a name and then create a password.

• Click the box next to each subject you want to learn. You can choose up to three.

• Choose your lesson and click on it to begin. Each lesson has videos, reading passages, and audio files.

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