Nguyễn Thị Sen | Chat Online
13/09/2024 10:35:10

Read the task below. Then think about the problem and make notes. (Đọc nhiệm vụ bên dưới. Sau đó suy nghĩ về vấn đề và ghi chú lại.) Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use. Write a letter of complaint about it. Explain the problem clearly and why it is an issue for you. Give more details about the problems. Give reasons why you think the problem needs to be solved. State what you want to happen in the future.

Read the task below. Then think about the problem and make notes. (Đọc nhiệm vụ bên dưới. Sau đó suy nghĩ về vấn đề và ghi chú lại.)

Your school has just launched a new official website which most students find quite confusing and hard to use. Write a letter of complaint about it.

Explain the problem clearly and why it is an issue for you.

Give more details about the problems.

Give reasons why you think the problem needs to be solved.

State what you want to happen in the future.
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