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13/09/2024 10:43:00

Listen carefully and fill in each blank with ONE word. Our teenage years are probably the most (44) ___________ of our lives. This is the time we pass from childhood into adulthood. So many things are happening to us. Our bodies change, our (45) ___________ change and our whole life changes. We have to learn to be (46) ___________, mature and responsible in a few short years. We have to take (47) ___________, get a job and perhaps start a family. That must come as a bit of a (48) ___________ for ...

Listen carefully and fill in each blank with ONE word.

Our teenage years are probably the most (44) ___________ of our lives. This is the time we pass from childhood into adulthood. So many things are happening to us. Our bodies change, our (45) ___________ change and our whole life changes. We have to learn to be (46) ___________, mature and responsible in a few short years. We have to take (47) ___________, get a job and perhaps start a family. That must come as a bit of a (48) ___________ for most teenagers. Part of all this new independence is teenage (49) ___________. This is probably the most difficult part of parents’ lives. All those moods and all that sulking. It can put a strain on (50) ___________ life. People always think they really want babies and children; no one ever says “I want a teenager”. Our teenage years are probably the most (44) ___________ of our lives. This is the time we pass from childhood into adulthood.

Our teenage years are probably the most (44) ___________ of our lives.

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