Tô Hương Liên | Chat Online
13/09/2024 16:48:00

Read and complete. three dog have birds and has Hi. My name’s Ben. I (1) _______ many toys. I have two cars and (2) _______ trains. I have four ships (3) _______ five buses. I like my toys. I have a friend. His name is Andy. He (4) ___________ some pets. He has one (5) _________ and two cats. He has three rabbits and four (6) ________. They are nice.

Read and complete.

three dog have birds and has

Hi. My name’s Ben. I (1) _______ many toys. I have two cars and (2) _______ trains. I have four ships (3) _______ five buses. I like my toys.

I have a friend. His name is Andy. He (4) ___________ some pets. He has one (5) _________ and two cats. He has three rabbits and four (6) ________. They are nice.

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