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14/09/2024 19:29:24

Complete each sentence with a phrasal verb in the correct tense

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
**3 Phrasal verbs 1**

Complete each sentence with a phrasal verb in the correct tense. Sometimes you will have to separate the verb from the particle.

1. Have you ___ got over ___ that terrible cough you had last time I saw you?
2. He touched one of the sculptures in the exhibition, and the guard saw him ___ and ___ him.
3. Her car ___ ran out of ___ petrol and she had to hitchhike to a petrol station.
4. Her husband left her when the children were babies and she ___ brought ___ them ___ up ___ herself.
5. I know you don’t want to talk to Jenny but it’s really important to do it today. You can’t ___ put it off ___ any longer.
6. Jimmy’s giving me a lift. He’s ___ picking me up ___ tomorrow morning at eleven.
7. My little sister often ___ shows off ___ when we have visitors. She wants to get more attention.
8. Our car ___ broke down ___ on the motorway and we had to call a garage to get it fixed.
9. Our plane ___ took off ___ an hour late so we landed in Rome an hour later than we’d expected.
10. Please ___ put out ___ your cigarette. Can’t you see the ‘no smoking’ sign?

11. She ___ was asking ___ me for money so in the end I had to give her some.
12. Terrorists put a bomb under the bridge and ___ blew it up ___.
13. The robber hit the bank manager over the head and ___ knocked ___ him ___ out ___. He was unconscious for half an hour.
14. Tony still hadn’t arrived by ten. Eventually he ___ turned up ___ at 11.30 with two other people.
15. We ___ set out ___ on our trip quite early but there was already a lot of traffic on the road.
16. We ___ cut down ___ the tree in front of our house because we didn’t get any light in our sitting room.
17. We promised to go and visit her tomorrow so we have to. We can’t ___ let her down ___. She’d be so disappointed.
18. We were talking on the phone and suddenly she just ___ hung up ___. Maybe somebody rang at her front door.

**Ghi chú:** Ý nghĩa từ vựng và ví dụ đã được trình bày trên trang.
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