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15/09/2024 10:20:48

Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs below. Use the past simple

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
5 She's shutting down her laptop.

6 Complete the sentences with the phrasal verbs below. Use the past simple.
back up break down log off turn on turn up type in

1 I finished my homework. Then I __________ my work. I didn’t want to lose it!
2 I visited a shopping website. After I finished shopping, I __________.
3 I __________ my username and password, but there was a problem – I couldn’t log on.
4 I __________ my printer because I needed to print some documents.
5 I bought a new computer last weekend, but it __________ yesterday. I’m taking it back to the shop.
6 Joe __________ the TV because the volume was very low.
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