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15/09/2024 10:47:27

Complete the phrases in these sentences using the words below

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Revision: Student's Book page 80

1. Complete the phrases in these sentences using the words below.

account campaign internet media page story
1. She read about the story on a well-known forum.
2. He closed his Twitter ____________ because of cyberbullying.
3. We use social ____________ to tell people about our meetings.
4. They started a hashtag ____________ to save the local library.
5. Over a million people have visited her fundraising ____________.
6. His reply to the bullies quickly became a viral ____________.

Reading Strategy
When you do a gapped sentence task, think about the order of events within a text. Having a clear idea of the sequence helps you to check that your sentence fits.
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