Local woman celebrates her 100th birthday with her family.
Lilly Wenders is 100 years old this week, and there’s a family party to celebrate. “A lot of my family lives in the same town as me,” says Lilly. “I’m very lucky.”
Lilly is not the oldest person in her family. She has two sisters. Agatha is 103 and Hattie is 106.
Lilly has two children, Sally and Emily, and three grandchildren: Katrina, Olivia and Clara. “I don’t have a son or a grandson,” says Lilly. “My children and my grandchildren are all women.”
“Do you have any men in your family?” I ask Lilly.
“Yes, I do,” says Lilly. “I have a husband, Arthur. It’s his birthday this week, too, but he’s only 84!”
[Phần bảng]
Female Male mother father daughter brother grandmother grandfather wife