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21/09/2024 09:33:03

Choose the best answer to complete the sentences

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
**II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.**

1. This email ______ some important information.
A. contains B. contained C. is containing D. has contained

2. I ______ what I am doing on this project.
A. don’t know - do B. am not knowing - am doing C. don’t know - am doing D. am not knowing - do

3. She ______ to the phone - she ______ a shower.
A. can’t come - has B. can’t come - is having C. can come - has D. can come - is having

4. ______ you listen to music or ______ to turn it off?
A. Do - listen - I should B. Are - listening - I will C. Do - listen - do I D. Are - listening - can I

5. In Latin America, the north ______
A. is B. was C. has been D. will be

6. They ______ skiing, but they ______ snow and cold weather.
A. don’t love - don’t like B. love - like C. don’t love - aren’t liking D. love - don’t like

7. She ______ up early in the morning and she ______.
A. gets always - enjoys B. always gets - enjoys C. is always getting - enjoys D. always got - is enjoying
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