Nguyễn Lê Phương Nghi | Chat Online
28/09/2024 11:51:54

It was not until the match ended that everybody had left the stadium. The plants in their garden look unhealthy because they haven't had enough sunlight. I'm having a day off today so I decide to take the car to the garage to have it repaired. The astronauts didn't walk far on the Moon if they were hampered by the thick dust. Some animals need more highly developed sense cells than man to survive in their struggle for existence

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
1. It was not until the match ended that everybody had left the stadium.

2. The plants in their garden look unhealthy because they haven't had enough sunlight.

3. I'm having a day off today so I decide to take the car to the garage to have it repaired.

4. The astronauts didn't walk far on the Moon if they were hampered by the thick dust.

5. Some animals need more highly developed sense cells than man to survive in their struggle for existence.
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