kim ngân | Chat Online
04/10/2024 22:01:47

Alice can __________ badminton. (play). Their sister may __________ with her friends tonight. (go out). Our friends __________ here soon. (come)

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
17. Alice can __________ badminton. (play)
18. Their sister may __________ with her friends tonight. (go out)
19. Our friends __________ here soon. (come)
20. My father never __________ coffee. (drink)
21. Jane __________ the piano at present. (be)
22. I __________ rich someday. (wait)
23. Hurry up! We __________ the new car now. (see)
24. Ba __________ at the moment? (hear)
25. What you __________ a sun hat when you go out. (wear)
26. It is very hot outside. Please __________ healthier. (feel)
27. Do more exercise and you __________ tired tomorrow so I go to bed early. (be)
28. I don’t want __________ a headache and I need to rest more. (have)
29. A healthy diet __________ us feel healthier. (help)
30. Choose the word which best fits each gap.
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