Nguyễn Lê Phương Nghi | Chat Online
27/10/2024 10:27:40

I want to buy a printer but I'm afraid it's bulky

1. I want to buy a printer but I'm afraid it's bulky.
SES I in meaning to the underlined part.
A. small
B. inconvenient
C. expensive
2. It's more economical to buy this car than that jet ski.
A. cost-effective
B. expensive
D. big and
D. wasteful
C. runs out of power
D. contains
C. insensitive
3. You should store your data on Dropbox in case your computer collapses.
A. breaks down
B. destroys
4. This technology has some drawbacks that need improving.
A. benefits
B. disadvantages C. strong points
5. The Ig Nobel prize is awarded to good-for-nothing inventions.
B. helpful
B. steals
D. qualities
C. practical
D. applicable
C. mimics
D. contrasts
6. This device imitates the movements of the mockingbirds.
A. useless
A. inspires
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