Nguyễn Lê Phương Nghi | Chat Online
02/11/2024 12:09:17

Fill in the blanks

In the early to mid-1990s Britpop artists, influenced by British guitar sounds of the 1960s and 70s,
wrote about topics that were (26) purely British and relevant to their generation. The music style with
songs was considered as a reaction against the grunge music that was arriving from the States
its (27)
and, in fact, it did not have (28) huge commercial success in the USA.
two that really
had a strong retro feel from the
John Lennon.
Britpop bands included Suede, Pulp, Blur and Oasis but it was the (29)
dominated the market. In 1994 Blur released their album Parklife (30)
70s and Oasis released Definitely Maybe, again with a retro feel reminiscent (31).
The two bands were often seen (32). rivals and this was exaggerated by the media who
emphasised their differences in origins and class: Oasis from the north of England, Blur from the south]
This culminated in both bands (33) singles on the same day in 1985, with Blur's single Country House
I went on to have
reaching number one in the charts and Oasis's Roll With It number two. Oasis, (34).
greater commercial success, particularly with the album (What's the story) Morning Glory? (1985)
which sold 412 million (35)
in the UK.
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