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09/11/2024 12:23:51

Read the text and mark the best option A, B, C or D to complete each gap

bài ở trên cùng đề bài là :
(5) Read the text and mark the best option A, B, C or D to complete each gap
Rock began in the USA in the early 1950s. At that time 'rhythm and (4) It Rock began rhythms that you could dance by the 50ssic. Noticing the success of R&B music, had strong thys started to copy the same style by the mid 1950s, this new while R&B music, called sick 'n' roll' had become very popular. Singers like Elvis Presley and (6) became popular: The Beatles. The Beatles first (8) becamcomplicated melodies. They also introduced different instruments, (9) become old-fashioned. Many of the 'n'roll had people thought that rock songs (7) more complicates have of music. It that time that a new group from England but they soon developed their own style, with was at the the early 1960s, even rock 'n' rolloud. Their music was fast and drums of rock 'n' roll. Rock had arrived. Electronics had replaced the army the early 1970 Electronics of popular music. By the Indian sitar as

A. blues' music was very common with black America

B. blues' music was very popular with black Americans

C. black Americans was very popular with blues' music

D. blues' music was very accepted with black Americans

Question 5. ( làm tiếp trên ảnh )
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