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27/11/2024 18:38:47

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in eachof the following questions

Exercise 11: Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each
of the following questions.
1. Mommy, someone are calling me from an unknown number. I won’t answer it.
2. My alarm rings at 6 o’clock every morning. Therefore, I always went to school on time.
3. We can’t play golf. It rains hard outside.
4. Ms. Lien is so kind that she is donating thousands of pounds to charity twice yearly.
5. Acupuncture is one of the oldest medical treatment in the world.
6. Many fatal accidents is caused by careless driving.
7. The practice of acupuncture is rooted in the idea of promoting harmony among humans and the world
around them.
8. Lan studied hard for the final test, but she passed with flying colours.
9. She’s counting her calories, so she really wants to eat dessert after meals.
10. Dogs are loyal pets, for they will never make you feeling betrayed.
11. We went to the Korean restaurant, so we found out it was closed early.
12. Don’t forget your passport, and you’ll have trouble checking in.
13. The lives of disadvantaged students are often very different for those of their more wealthy peers.
14. There are lots of amused ways to volunteer in the arts such as teaching, designing and assisting with a
variety of arts and crafts.
15. Mahatma Gandhi fought against the rights of poor people and women in India and became a hero for
millions of people.
16. While he and his wile Ali first went to Africa, they worked in a refugee camp for a month.
17. He worked in a big bank in London when suddenly he decided to leave this city to take part in Volunteer
18. IBM is an artificial intelligence computer system and is used to answering questions posed in natural
19. Vaccination has been used for a long time for prevent diseases.
1. 20. After a two- hour discussion, we decided expanding the car market in America the following month
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