Nguyễn Nhi | Chat Online
15/12/2024 10:33:14

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions

Question 3: He is very
A. honest
He is always willing to give a lot of money to charity.
B. generous
C. enthusiastic
your life
Question 4: If you can do something to help others, you will find
B. meaningless
C. helpless
A. meaningful
Question 5: The school is difficult to get to because it is located in a
6. Smartphones allow us to get
A. remote
A entrance
B. cheerful
C. confused
to the Internet anywhere.
B. entry
C. browser
C. communicative
7. Modern devices have changed the way we
A communicate
B. communication
D. modest
D. interested
D. practical
D. access
D. communicator
8. To help poor people, we can donate money to a charity or become a volunteer in our
B. corporation
C. community
D. action
the law of gravity when he was sitting under an apple tree and an apple fell
A company
9. Issac Newton
on his head.
A. explored
B. discovered
A. grow
B. prevent
C. invented
D. made
millions of lives.
C. save
D. raise
10. Alexander Fleming used penicillin around the world to
an accident of leaving a soft drink outside in cold weather, Frank Epperson made the first
A. Thanks to
B. Because
C. So that
D. In order to
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