Ngô Phương Thảo | Chat Online
15/12/2024 12:03:29

Điền a, an, some, any, much, many

----- Nội dung ảnh -----
Đọc ảnh ra văn bản, nội dung như sau:

Điền a, an, some, any, much, many 12/12
1. Is there .......cathedral near here ?
2. There isn't .........sugar here.
3. There are .......apples on the table.
4. There aren't .......tables here.
5. How .......students are there ?
6. Is there .........rice ?
7. There is .........milk in the bottle.
8. How .........beef do you need ?
9. There are .........tables in the room.
10. Is there .........egg ?
11. There isn't .........water in the bottle.
12. Do you have .......pencils ?
13. She doesn't have
14. There are .......books on the table.
15. Are there .......trees in the garden?
16. She lives in .......flat in HN.
17. There isn't here.
18. We live in ..........old house.
19. We eat .......eggs in the morning.
20. There is ............butter in the fridge.
21. Are there .......girls in the room ?
22. They want to drink ?
23. Do you have ............milk ?
24. She has .........few pens.
25. Do you drink .........tea ?
26. Would you like to drink ..............juice ?
27. There are ..........rulers in the bag.
28. Is there .........temple here ?
29. How ..........meat do you need ?
30. She doesn't near here.
31. She needs ..........little milk.
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