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25/12/2024 21:53:24

Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions

Choose the best option (A, B, C or D) to complete each of the following questions.
11. My grandmother is over seventy but she always __ early to go jogging in the park.
A. got up B. gets up C. get up D. will get up
12. Don’t worry. You can park your car at my house. It has a __.
A. balcony B. pool C. garage D. gym
13. My __ is a teacher. He is 43 years old.
A. mothers' brothers B. brother's mother C. mother's brothers D. mother's brother
14. Kevin: __ does the most housework in your family?
    Sarah: My mother.
A. Who B. What C. What time D. Where
15. How many people ___ in your family?
A. there are B. are there C. there is D. is there
16. My little brother wants to help my mother with the housework, so he does the __ after meals.
A. dishes B. bed C. dinner D. floor
17. We can have good meals at a __.
A. hospital B. college C. restaurant D. station
18. Đà Lạt is my beloved __. I was born and grew up there.
A. house B. hometown C. market D. region
19. My favorite subject is because I like learning about mountains and rivers of different countries in the world. 
A. art B. geography C. physics D. history
20. My sister likes acting. She is going to join the__ at school.
A. indoor activities B. English club C. drama club D. class
21. I have 4 classes today. Physics, Math, Biology, _ Music.
A. and B. or C. but D. Both A and B are correct
22. Peter Pan is a _ novel. It's about a boy teaching a girl magic and how to fly.
A. fantasy B. mystery C. secret D. adventure
23. I ____ playing badminton in my free time.
A. want B. would like C. want to D. like
24. Can I borrow your eraser? I can’t find ____.  
A. yours B. me C. my D. mine
25. Tom: Why don’t we join the English Speaking club? 
      Peter: Good idea! _.
A. Why? B. We can’t make more new friends.        
C. We can’t write it well. D. We can improve our pronunciation.
26. You can join one of the three sports clubs this year: badminton, basketball, ____ table-tennis.
A. and B. or C. but D. both A and B are correct
27. She doesn’t do any housework or homework. She's ___.
A. lazy B. selfish C. helpful D. friendly
28. We're going to the _ to play badminton on Sunday. Would you like to come?
A. sports center B. movie theater C. beach D. barbecue
29. They aren’t watching a movie ____.
A. on the weekend B. yesterday C. last Tuesday D. this morning
30. ____ this program or can I turn the TV off?  
A. You watch B. Are you watching
C. Do you watch D. Did you watch
31. My little sister has _____ hair.
A. black short B. black long C. short long D. long black
32. Alice always thinks about herself and never about other people. She’s ___.
A. kind B. selfish C. lazy D. slim
33. Your looks very warm. Where did you buy it?
A. sweater B. jeans C. sneakers D. cap
34. We _____ a barbecue tonight. Do you want to come?
A. have B. are having C. is going to have D. won’t have
35. I ____ go to the movies. Maybe just once or twice a year.  
A. always B. rarely C. sometimes D. often
36. On Christmas Day, children ____ Christmas presents from Santa Claus.  
A. buy B. celebrate C. watch D. receive
37. I want to check out the ____. All the dishes look delicious.
A. food stands B. talent show C. puppet show D. tug of war
38. The new movie ___ at 9:45 tomorrow, you can buy tickets online or at the box office.
A. starting B. starts C. is started D. started
39. My kids are _ about the trip to Nha Trang this weekend. They love playing on the beach.
A. excited B. bored C. sad D. peaceful
40. How often _ Bobby _ the shopping?
A. does / do B. do / does C. does / doing D. do / doing
41. I ____ chat with people I don’t know because it’s dangerous.  
A. never B. sometimes C. always D. usually
42. During Tết, people often ___ their relatives and friends.
A. have B. visit C. invite D. go to
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