Nguyệt Nguyên Y | Chat Online
10/01 17:28:45

Change the verb to the passive form

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Change the verb to the passive form.

1. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet.

Hamlet  by Shakespeare. 

2. Mary chose this book.

This book  by Mary. 

3. I will organize the party.

The party will  by me. 

4. Amy invited me to the movie.

I  to the movie by Amy.

5. An earthquake hit lndonesia.

Indonesia  by an earthquake. 

6. My cat didn't kill the mouse.

The mouse  by my cat.

7. Water surrounds an island.

An island  by water. 

8. The students baked the cookies.

The cookies  by the students. 

9. We built the tree house.

The tree house  by us. 

10. The boys didn't break the window.

The window  by the boys.

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