Nguyễn Thành Nam | Chat Online
12/08/2017 18:24:23

Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form: 1) My sister (go) ... to school at 7 o'clock every morning. 2) A: What ... you (do) ... Hoa? B: I'm helping my mum with the housework. 3) We can't go out now. It (rain) ... very hard

1. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense form:
1. My sister (go) .................. to school at 7 o'clock every morning.
2. A: What .............. you (do) ................ , Hoa?
    B: I'm helping my mum with the housework.
3. We can't go out now. It ( rain)............... very hard.
4. How ....................... you (go) ...................... to school every day?
5. My sister likes ( cook) .................. very much.
6. .................. your sister (listen) ...............  to music in her free time?
7. Someone ( knock) ........................ at the door. Can you answer it?
8. Minh usually ( do) .................... his homework in the evening.
9. Our school (be) .................... surrounded by mountains.
10. I (like) ...................... maths but I ( not like ) ........................... English.
2. Fill each blank with a suitable work in the box.
1. I never do my .................... at school.I do it at home.
2. Can you name some of your school ..................... ?
3. There is an ........................ school near my house but I don't study there.
4. I usually ....................... meat and vegetable for my lunch.
5. My father is a teacher.He .................... at a secondary school in my village.
6. I can sing some .................. songs.
7. My favourite subject is ........................ . I like doing experiment.
8. My sister and I want to ..................... in the same school.
9. I go to the ................. club every Sunday. I like this sport.
10. I never eat lunch in the school ...................... . I eat at home.
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