Changeiii | Chat Online
28/10/2019 14:52:02

Sử dụng liên từ để kết hợp mỗi cặp câu: 1. He is hs very tired. He has to finish his homework (but). 2. The room is very small. It's quite comfortable (although). 3. They went for a walk. The weather was bad (but)

1. He is hs very tired. He has to finish his homework(but)
2. The room is very small. It's quite comfortable(although)
3. They went for a walk. The weather was bad(but)
4. Our teacher didn't arrive late. The traffic was terrible(although)
5. I like watching TV. I like going to the cinema(and)
6. She wears glasses. She wants to see better(because)
7. He got wet. He for got his umbrella(so)
8. We learn hard. We hope to pass the exam(and)
9. Mr.Ninh , heated some water. He wanted a cup of tea(so)
10. I called their house. No one answered the phone(but)
11. The class was so noisy. The teacher couldn't hear the question(because)
12. I like cartoon, I don't watch them much(although)
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