Huy Nguyễn | Chat Online
12/01/2020 10:54:59

Reorder the given words to complete the sentences:

I.Reorder the given words to complete the sentences:
1. The/ climate/ gases/ cause/ increasing/ human/ change/ greenhouse/ atmosphere/ quantity/ produced/ activities/ the/ by/ in/ of/ is/ of/ the.
2. The/ man-made/ majority/ / fossil fuels/ carbon dioxide emissions/ burning/ from/ of/ is/ the/ of.
3. Global/ Earth's climate/ been/ damaging/ environment/ has/ physical/ warming/ as well as/ the/ the.
4. Human/ absorbing/ carbon dioxide/ beings/ emitting/ in/ faster/ atmosphere,/ more/ rates/ the oceans/ plants/ and/ are/ the/ of/ than/ the.
5. Global warming/ colder areas/ causing/ hotter,/ of the world/ been/ become/ thereby/ vulnerable/ becoming/ to diseases/ more/ has/ the / to.
6. Droughts/ negative/ hurricanes/ some/ global warming/ wildfires/ extinction on endangered species/ storms/ phenomenon/ impacts/ of/ and/ the/ are/ of.
7. Human influence/ been/ problem/ take care/ because/ has/ serious/ humans/ of/ not/ the earth/ a / do/ now.

II.Rewrite each sentence, using perfect gerunds or perfect participles, so that the meaning stays the same.
Emily had drunk too much to remember the way to her home.
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