binh doan | Chat Online
04/03/2020 08:16:46

Điền từ đúng và chỗ chấm theo gợi ý ngoặc

1. He's just bought a car with........operated windows.                                                                       (electric)

2. The railway line the 1950s.                                                                                         (electfic)

3. the process of changing something so that it works by electricity.                                    (electric)

4. You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two..........                          (alter)

5. Gas and oil...........always increases in cold weather.                                                                     (consume)

6. An........disaster will alter the whole balance of ecology in that area.                                            (ecology)

7. If you believes the environment should be protected, you may become an........                           (ecology)

8. We should pay more attention to renewable sources of energy such as wind and...... power.       (sun)

9. We are doing our best with the..........resources available.                                                 (limit)

10. ........damage threatens the whole of civilization.                                                                         (environment)

11. The weather..........improved,                                                                                                        (gradual)

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