Nguyễn Trung | Chat Online
30/03/2020 22:25:35

Complete the passage

Dear John, Come and see me next weekend. I‟m staying in a house by the sea. Don’t (l) ……………to bring your swimming costume with you! It isn‟t difficult to find the house. When you get to the crossroads in the town, (2) ………………right and drive to the end of the road. (3) ………………careful because it is a dangerous road! (4) …………..some warm clothes with you because it is cold in the evenings here. If I am not at home when you arrive, don’t (5) ………………for me. The key to the house is under the big white stone in the garden. (6) …………………the front door and (7) ……………………..yourself a cup of tea in the kitchen! (8)………………….. a good journey

! Best wishes, Vinh

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