1. We need eleven players to practise this sport. (A.volleyball B.football C. basketball )
2. We use small ball and a bat.(A. swimming B.tennis C. baseball)
3. People ride bicycles in this sport.(A. cycling B. skateboarding C. skiing)
4. We need a pair of skates and a stick.( A. skateboarding B. boxing C. ice hockey)
5. We use a small ball and a club.(A. karate B. golf C.table tennis)
6. We use googles and we practise it in the water.(A. swimming B.athletics C. scuba diving)
7. We practise this sport in wonter and we need some snow.(A. bowling B. skiing C.swimming)
8. Two men or two women that are fighting.(A. bowling B. judo C.boxing)
9. It can be practised in the beach and we need two teams and a ball.(A. basketball B.football C.volleyball)