Nguyễn Viễn | Chat Online
22/04/2020 21:52:15

Mai learns how ________a washing machine

11. Mai learns how ________a washing machine.
A. use B. to use C. using
D. uses
12. Who is _______ , Ba or Nam?
A. more tall B. taller C. tall
D. more taller
13. Will you be home _______Saturday morning?
A. at B. on
D. from
14. She adds _______more salt to the dish so it tastes better.
A. a few B. many C. a little
D. too much

15. ________a lovely dress! Where did you buy it?
A. what B. who C. when
D. how
16. ________do you have dinner? – I usually have dinner at 6.30 pm.
A. what B. where C. what time
D. how
17. Mary _______her furniture in the living room every morning.
A. explains B. reads C. warms
D. dusts
18. Hoa _________her hometown in Hue every summer.
A. visits B. to visit C. visiting
D. visit
19. Those _______my books and pens.
A. is B. be C. are
D. do
20. Ha ________any friends in Ha Noi.
A. don’t have B. don’t has C. isn’t have
D. doesn’t have
21. My new house is __________than my old house.
A. big B. biger C. more bigger
D. bigger
22. There are many ________ transport in Ha Noi.
A. mean B. means C. means of
D. mean of

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