Trí Đức | Chat Online
11/06/2020 21:46:19

Write sentences

1. If companies  waste into rivers and streams, sources of water . (pour, pollute)
2. If we  the global warming, it  humans’ life. (not prevent, threaten)
3. If we  to allow deforestation, there  more floods. (continue, be)
4. If we  public transportation, there  fewer vehicles on the road, which  air pollution then. (use, be, reduce)
5. If we  those bottles, we  money. (recycle, save)
6. If there  more rubbish bins in the street, people  trash in the street. (be, not thow)
7. If humans  water, they  out of it soon. (waste, run)
8. If more people  green shopping bags, the number of plastic bags . (use, decrease)

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