Lalisa_2703 | Chat Online
16/02/2021 22:30:57

Rewrite the following sentences without chaning their meaning, using the give words

I. Rewrite the following sentences without chaning their meaning, using the give words.
1. My mother is making a cake for my birthday.
 A cake .................................................
2. "Don't be afraid," he said to his daughter.
 He told ..................................
3. Our company spent thousands of dollars upgrading our computer sytems.
 It took ..................................
4. She can't xleep at night because she has a backache.
 Because of ..................................
5. He is busy right now. So, he can't help them.
 If ..................................
6 She doesn't pay attention to her cooking so the food is horrible.
 If ..................................
7. We haven't seen her since 1999.
 We last ..................................
8. They went to Paris for the first time.
 It was ..................................
9. We last saw your sister in May.
 We haven't ..................................
10. That policeman arrived too late, so the rober escaped.
 By the time that policeman arrived ..............................         

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